Hi Nina, thank you for talking to us. We hear you’re embarking on a pretty exciting venture this year and we can’t wait to hear more about it.
Please start by telling us a little about yourself, and how you got into the extreme sports industry:
I started riding motocross a couple of years back, and I discovered I just loved everything to do with adrenaline. Riding gear for women was really hard to find, and no wonder: not many women were active in the sport back then. I saw generations of men at the track; fathers, sons and grandsons riding together… and I realized my generation of active women would be the first generation of old ladies riding with our granddaughters at the track, how awesome is that?! I founded a motocross team for women and got really interested in the action sports industry, being active in skate, surf and a ton of motorsports, as well as the TV host of the Swedish MX Championships. As a first time entrepreneur I realized I needed a kickass team and today we are three super ambitious team members working with the startup High Heaven;
CTO Hanna Larsson has an IT background and journalistic education and is a content marketing expert. She’s always happy to jump onboard any task that seems hard, she loves a challenge and engages in Filipino martial arts and self-defense, as well as skiing.
CMO Katja Moeller who has passion for product, as well as passion for people. She knows the value of great storytelling, smart marketing and has eye for details and quality. Katja loves to travel and never says no to an adventure, climbing up-hill, riding down-hill or challenging the waves.
Sounds like you’ve got a great team behind you, and a real drive to achieve your goals! What inspired you to start High Heaven?
The fact that I had been looking for a site like High Heaven for years; I wanted a place to hang out, a place where I wasn’t just that Girl Rider, a place where I could find relevant inspiration and information, meet other like-minded women and a place where I could check out great gear and products – finally I got tired of the brands not trying hard enough to attract me as a customer, so I decided to quit my job to start work with the site and concept of High Heaven.
What do you hope to achieve towards changing the extreme sport world for women?
Wow. We have a lot of hopes and ambitions! We want girls and women to be inspired and network, we want to dare them to try out new things and new sports, stay strong and healthy, to help them excel in their sports- and we want to influence the industry to take these women seriously, as a strong and dedicated group of customers that they are. We would love to help them better their marketing towards women. The day that young girls choose action sports with confidence and pride, and the industry is 50-50 men and women, then maybe I will go on vacation and relax for a bit.
Hopefully it won’t take long, everyone needs a holiday eventually! Do you have any exciting plans for the future?
Right now we are doing a really cool crowdfunding equity round on FundedByMe, inviting our crowd to support us. And of course there is the launch up ahead, so check us out and sign up for an invite at High Heaven!
Done! Is there any exclusive inside information you can give us?
Some big investors have shown a lot of interest… And that’s a good thing!
Sounds incredibly exciting. Anything else you’d like to add? – We kick ass. Join us. More awesome stuff is coming up.
You heard her, join them! Stay tuned with High Heaven and get ready for the launch, perfect for all extreme sport-minded women out there looking to connect and share their fantastic experiences.