Welcome to this partner interview with one of our fantastic gyrocopter partners, Pauli. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to learn more about this fascinating and exhilarating mode of aviation from someone who is so knowledgeable and experienced in the field. As you know, gyrocopters are a unique type of aircraft that offer an unparalleled level of manoeuvrability and freedom in the air. They are the "safest aircraft in the known universe", as endorsed by a Senior Air-Sea Rescue Helicopter Pilot. We look forward to hearing about Pauli's experiences and insights as we delve deeper into the world of gyrocopters. Let's get started!
What inspired you to become a gyrocopter flight instructor?
After just over 1300 hours of instructing in helicopters, I yearned to explore the Gyroplane world, having come to understand that they are FAR safer and less than a third of the price! Also, they were the pioneer rotary Aircraft, from which helicopters evolved. In 1993 my Mother and my then Girlfriend bought me a Trial Lesson in a real helicopter for Christmas - Instantaneous addiction! But knew I couldn’t afford to fly helicopters privately, so I had to become an Instructor! This is the hardest but certainly the most rewarding thing I've ever done! Very soon I discovered, with no previous teaching experience, that the privilege of watching another evolve a skill in the other seat is incredibly rewarding. Also, I only need to make sure that we both return safely for lunch, and they are paying!
Based at the invigorating and delightfully busy Airport in Caernarfon, I now have the privilege and pleasure of training Students, and giving “Air Experience” flights to anyone who wishes, on the very edge of glorious Snowdonia in North Wales. Arguably the safest aircraft in the known Universe (endorsed by a senior Air-Sea Rescue Pilot in North Wales) you can enjoy fabulous views whilst flying the Aircraft YOURSELF - although I do insist on coming with you (!), and there are dual controls.
What are the biggest challenges that students face during gyrocopter flight training, and how do you help them overcome those challenges?
Self confidence (although a very rare number can be over-confident!) which I can usually overcome by reminding them that, when they were first learning to ride a bike, they immediately and often fell off and so they felt at first that they were "never going to get the hang of this !" - but they DID ! - and it's the same with learning, safely, to Take-Off and to Land in a Gyroplane.
Can you share a particularly memorable experience that you had while training a student to fly a gyrocopter?
When, last year, my "Student" revealed to me that he had spent the previous 37 years, prior to retirement, as a Captain of Lear Jets and Gulfstream Aircraft! - He taught me MUCH more than I taught him! (Although he confessed it was more fun flying a Gyroplane!)
What are some of the most common misconceptions that people have about gyrocopters, and how do you address those misconceptions?
- That they fall out of the sky if the engine fails; (if the engine stops, she continues to fly just fine, in a gentle descent, and you simply land in the normal way, plus you only need ten yards or so to do it!)
- That if you stall them you are in trouble (a Gyroplane is the only un-stallable aircraft in the known Universe!)
- That a fear of heights will make you terrified while flying in a Gyroplane; (Strangely, not true in almost every case. I, actually, have a fear of heights myself! (tall buildings etc.) but no problem in the Aircraft. So, I can fly people at 20 feet, then 50 feet and so on gently climbing, and, almost always, they find there's no problem like they expected. If they're unhappy, though, we just land gently and taxi back to the Hangar.
If you could fly your gyrocopter anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Costa Rica! Because they already have a vibrant Gyroplane community and it's a tropical paradise, too!
What is your favourite aspect of being a flying instructor?
The privilege of watching someone else evolving a skill in the other seat! They have good days and bad days and I just have to make sure we both come back for lunch - And they're paying! :-)
Thank you for reading!
We'd like to give a massive thank you to Pauli for giving us an insight into his world of knowledge and expertise in the field of teaching gyrocopter flying.